Production of Ads and Ad Regulation


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Production of Ads

Most companies hire special advertising firms that specialize in making ads.

The first step in making ads is to learn about the product and understand who uses it.

Information is gathered from customers. Market research takes a look at the customers’ buying habits and conduct sample surveys. Researchers also try to find out how customers rate various brands of products.

Research also tries to find out why customers buy a product. For example, advertisers may find out that people buy a certain car because they want to impress their friends or show that they have a lot of money. The age, sex and social status of a consumer may also be important. They also try to find out where and when a product is sold best. Snowboards for example can probably be sold better during the winter time and in skiing resorts. It is also important to determine which kind of media is best to advertise the product.

People in the creative department develop ideas and themes. They prepare photos or images if an ad is to appear in newspapers or magazines as well as jingles and slogans if it appears on radio or TV.

When the ad is ready it goes to the media organization where it is run.




Governments have made laws that protect consumers from misleading advertising. There are also laws that ban certain kinds of advertising. Tobacco advertising, for example, is not allowed on TV in the USA and in many European countries. Some rules are directed at children's ads where the use of violence or dangerous activity is often not allowed.



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  • advertising firm = company that organises ads and sells them
  • appear = to be seen or shown
  • ban = forbid
  • brand = type of product made by a company
  • buying habit = the way people go shopping and what kind of things they buy
  • certain =special
  • conduct = do
  • customer = a person who buys things in a shop
  • design = make
  • determine = decide
  • develop =work out
  • display =presentation
  • draw = here: to make a person do something
  • encourage = to tell someone that it is good to do something
  • gather = collect
  • highlight =to draw attention to , stress, focus on
  • image = picture
  • impress = to show that you have something that other people don't
  • in charge of =to have control for something or someone
  • jingle = a short song or melody in ads
  • law = the rules of a country
  • market research =to collect information about customers and what they want and buy
  • misleading = to make someone believe something that is not true
  • place =put
  • protect =defend, care for
  • rate =rank, to measure the value of something
  • researcher = person or company that tries to find out facts about something
  • rule =law
  • run = here:to be shown
  • sample survey =questions that you ask some people in order to find out about what they think and how they behave
  • skiing resort = town or village that is famous for winter tourism
  • slogan = a short phrase that is easy to remember
  • social status = the class that someone comes from
  • theme = topic
  • tobacco = dried brown leaves that are smoked in cigarettes
  • transit = a system for moving goods or people from one place to another
  • various = different
  • violence =aggression, fighting, brutality