More Tourists from rising economies


Tourism trends are changing as wealthier people from rising economies are travelling abroad. While Europeans and Americans are not travelling as much anymore, Russians and Chinese are going on holidays more than ever before.

Tourism in developed countries is expected to rise by 2.2% in the next years, but the number of travellers from other countries will increase by 50%. By the year 2030 over a billion travellers are expected to come from these countries.

The new tourists represent a rising middle class in their countries. They want to see other places and experience other cultures. Some just go shopping or want to have fun somewhere else.


Russians, for example, have been locked up in their country during the Communist period for much of the 20th century. Most of them have only experienced trips to other Communist countries in Eastern Europe or to Black Sea resorts in their own country. Now they are flooding Europe and other continents in an attempt to catch up on what they have missed.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s mainly wealthy Russians travelled abroad, but now a growing middle class is experiencing tourism. However, they do not spend as much money as Westerners and tend to go to cheaper places. Mediterranean countries like Turkey and Greece are adapting to this trend and have been attracting Russians with special, cheaper offers.


In China, the middle classes are also spending more and more on travelling. China is the fastest growing country when it comes to spending money abroad. In 2012 Chinese travellers spent 100 billion dollars overseas, more than the previous top spenders Germany, Britain and the United States. Chinese tourists prefer shopping to cultural travel. While foreign goods in China are expensive they bring back items that cost a lot at home.

In South America, Brazil is the major money-spender in tourism. About 30% of all Brazilians who go on holidays travel to other countries.

While spending a lot abroad, not all of these countries are on the receiving end of tourism. Travelling to China has been popular among Europeans and Americans for some time, mainly because of the culture and the Asian way of living. In Brazil the upcoming football World Cup and the Olympic Games are expected to attract millions of foreign tourists to the country and bring in a lot of money.  In contrast, Russia does not make very much money from tourism.  One of the reasons is the bad infrastructure that dates back to the Communist period and lack of investment.



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  • abroad = to another country
  • adapt = change
  • attempt = try
  • attract = draw, invite, pull towards
  • billion = a thousand million
  • catch up = to do things they have not done before
  • century = period of a hundred years
  • collapse = break down
  • date back = come from
  • developed countries = rich countries in Europe, North America, as well as Japan and Australia
  • experience = feel, get into contact with
  • flood = to come in large numbers
  • foreign goods = products from another country
  • however = but
  • in contrast = on the other side
  • increase = go up
  • infrastructure = the things that you need in a country or city, like schools, roads, railways, hospitals etc..
  • lack of investment = not enough money that is being put into a project
  • lock up = here: not allowed to go anywhere
  • Mediterranean = region between Europe and Africa
  • overseas = country on another continent
  • previous = earlier
  • receiving end = here : get money from
  • represent = are part of
  • resort = holiday towns
  • rise = go up
  • rising economy = countries that are booming with business and growing very fast
  • Soviet Union= largest Communist country between 1917 and 1990
  • tend = be likely to
  • trend = how a situation changes or develops
  • upcoming = future, event that is approaching
  • wealthy = rich