How Happiness Affects Our Health


Doctors, psychologists, economists and other experts have recently got together to find out what makes us happy and have come to surprising results.

One of the main topics was how to measure happiness. While some experts state that there are many ways to measure happiness, like capturing a person’s feelings, satisfaction in life or being healthy and physically fit, others say that you can’t really measure happiness but you can see it.

While money does play an important role for many, once they have enough to support their style of living they focus on other values. In many cases, friends and a functioning family are more important. Most people also need meaningful and creative work to find happiness.

Studies have also found that there is a connection between happiness and health. In general, people who are happier have a better overall health. Their immune system works better and they are not as stressed as others. In addition, happier people may be able to live longer and enjoy their happiness. Data also suggests that those who laugh a lot, have a good sense of humor and are often in a good mood are also happier.


Is there a way of learning happiness or improving it? Some experts say that if people express their thanks and gratefulness they can become happier. Engaging in informative conversations can also contribute to more satisfaction and happiness. Not surprisingly, men feel that a good love relationship is an important factor in being happy.  Happiness is also contagious. Reports say that if you happen to have a member of your family or a friend near you who is happy, chances are you will be happy too.



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  • capture = here: record
  • chances are = there is a good chance; probably
  • connection = link
  • contagious = infectious; something  can spread from one person to another
  • contribute = add
  • data = information that comes out of a research paper
  • economist =  a person who knows a lot about business , money and selling
  • engage = take part in
  • focus = concentrate on
  • gratefulness  = thanks
  • immune system = system by which your body protects itself from diseases
  • improve = to make better
  • in addition = also
  • in general = usually, most of the time
  • informative = meaningful
  • meaningful = important
  • measure = to find out how big or strong something is
  • mood = feeling, state of mind
  • overall = general
  • physically = in your body
  • psychologist = a person who studies the human mind and how it affects our behaviour
  • recently = a short time ago
  • satisfaction = feeling of pleasure and being happy
  • sense of humour = the ability to understand and enjoy things that are funny
  • state = to say that something is true
  • stress = so worried and tired that you cannot relax
  • study  = piece of work that tries to find out more about a subject
  • suggest = here: to state something in an indirect way
  • support = hold up, keep up
  • topic = issue
  • value = quality, things that are important